torsdag 24 november 2011

What up?

The tricktip on tuesdays 
Tricktip tuesday (sometimes another weekday) with Monokel:
Funny, creative, stupid, technical, crazy, snowy, frustrated, monokelteamriders, strange....


Transition Winter Awards

I won the kategory "Female parkshredder of the year" for the second year in a row! And I´m superstoked with a smiling face! =)

Årets Parkshredder, snowboard – Dam-  Tove Holmgren

Här har vi en parkråtta med en otrolig passion för snowboard. Med en trickpåse som heter duga visar hon vägen för en hel generation svenska tjejer. Hon levererar sina trick med stil och engagemang och har grymma parts från den gångna säsongen. Årets parkshredder är Tove Holmgren. (nominerade: Caroline Degardh, Mimmi Sandström)
Viktor Wiberg "Railripper of the year"

Nils Arvidsson "Snowboarder of the year"
Niklas Mattsson "Parkshredder of the year"
Thor Lundström "Rookie of the year"
Kristoffer Fahlgren "Filmer of the year"
Daniel Rönnbäck "Photographer of the year"


We are shredding some pvc at Studenternas in Uppsala and I feel like a little kid playing in the snow and I love it. People are passing by on their bikes starring at us and can´t understand what the fuck we are doing.


Junkyard fotosession 

I went to Trollhättan for a day and took some pictures for Junkyard with RipCurl outerwear and Wesc streetwear. Really nice to meet all the guys at the Junkyardoffice. The result will be publised soon.