måndag 18 april 2011


Here is my edit from Big Bear! And it´s LOVE!

BIG BEAR LOVE with Tove from Tove Holmgren on Vimeo.

No Matter What snowcamp

Now I´ve been in Åre for a week. Again. I like it there, the people, the park, the sun (when it decides to shine). 

The "No matter what" camp was so succesfull! And just this day the sun was shining all over the place! And in everyones faces, because all the 14 campgirls were smiling the whole day. We started the day with a long and wonderful breakfast at hotel Granen and then we all went to the park. We had a tent in the middle of the railpark where hamburgers and a lot of homebaked candy was served.
It was so much fun watching the developments at the girls during the day. From jumping the little green jumps to go to the big red ones! It was awesome and I felt so proud over the girls to be their coach! After a lot of shredding we went to Dahlboms for a bear or two. And then we went to Holiday and some bathing and saunabathing =) The long a perfect day ended at the Werséns with a nice dinner and some awards to the girls. And then it was party all night long!

Thanks all involved for a fun and exciting day!! 

måndag 11 april 2011

Snowboard SM in Kläppen

Sitting in a rainy Åre after 3 funny and exhausting days of snowboard SM in Kläppen. We started in the park 8.30 every morning and got home around 18.30 every night. The weather was very varied with, sun, rain and a lot of wind.

Thursday: Halfpipe. 

A fourth place wich I´m pretty ok with because I have kind of never been shredding pipe before =) It was fuuun! And kind of difficult. Hehe.

Friday: Boardercross. 

I did not compete. My knees could not take the flat and hard landings.

Saturday: Railcomp. 

I won! =) We only had 3 runs each and the comp was really long and unfortunately not a jamsession wich would have been so much more fun! But I did my frontside hardway and "gubbtale" so it was awesome!

Sunday: Slopestyle. 

A third place! My line in the qualification was frontside lip, backside three, frontside three (in the biggest jumps) and some tricks in the halfpipe and on the box. I tried to do a frontside seven and I was sooo close but landed on the nockle. I got second in the qualifications. In the final runs I hade some problems with the speed so I did not managed to land my frontside five, landed on the nockle again and hurt my knee a bit. But I´m pretty stoked anyways. It was fun! Cicci Larsen got first and Jessica From got second.

The Big Air comp was cancelled because it was too windy. Too bad I think because I had really looking forward to throw myself in the Big Air! =)

Jimmy and Alec. A lot of hugs to Alec who hurt her self on a jump the first day! Get well soon!
Alec and me.

Lowe, Jonas, Linus and Jimmy. "Tärnabyligan!"

Alec and Emma.

There will be more pictures here soon. 

tisdag 5 april 2011

A fun afternoon in the Bräckepark in Åre

Here is a little edit from a fun afternoon in the Bräckepark in Åre. Enjoy! =)

En solig dag i bräcke from Calle Lundqvist on Vimeo.

A week in Åre

I´m sitting on the train on my way home to Uppsala again. I´ve been in Åre for a week shredding the Bräckepark. It has been so much fun riding in the slushy springpark. Bluebird and a lot of sun almost every day! It started with some powderdays because it has been snowing a lot lately in Åre wich was really necessary for the skiresort. It was not that much "pow pow" but we found a few places where we could take some nice turns and maybe get a nice picture wich Niclas Magnusson managed to take. I will put it here when I`ll get it from him.

My plan was to get some jump-filmshots from this week but i did not find anyone who had time to film so I´ll have to film another time.

I´m going back to Åre in one week again to work as a coach for a snowboard camp for girls. It´s a schoolproject that my friends have started. "No matter what" is the name of this project and it´s gonna be awesome and fun to inspire girls to start and keep shredding the park! =)

And maybe there will be time for some filming as well! =)

Now I´m gonna be home for one day and then I´m taking my car to Sälen and Kläppen for some snowboard SM in slopestyle and bigair! =)

Outside Dahlbooms.

Samuel, Johan and Håkan.

A smiling Marlene.

Me and Maria Bagge.

Cecilia Larsen and Maria Bagge.
The nice red line.

söndag 3 april 2011

Pictures from Åre

Here is some pictures from a photoshoot in Åre, earlier this winter, with the photographer Niclas Magnusson.