Thursday: Halfpipe.
A fourth place wich I´m pretty ok with because I have kind of never been shredding pipe before =) It was fuuun! And kind of difficult. Hehe.
Friday: Boardercross.
I did not compete. My knees could not take the flat and hard landings.
Saturday: Railcomp.
I won! =) We only had 3 runs each and the comp was really long and unfortunately not a jamsession wich would have been so much more fun! But I did my frontside hardway and "gubbtale" so it was awesome!
Sunday: Slopestyle.
A third place! My line in the qualification was frontside lip, backside three, frontside three (in the biggest jumps) and some tricks in the halfpipe and on the box. I tried to do a frontside seven and I was sooo close but landed on the nockle. I got second in the qualifications. In the final runs I hade some problems with the speed so I did not managed to land my frontside five, landed on the nockle again and hurt my knee a bit. But I´m pretty stoked anyways. It was fun! Cicci Larsen got first and Jessica From got second.
The Big Air comp was cancelled because it was too windy. Too bad I think because I had really looking forward to throw myself in the Big Air! =)
Jimmy and Alec. A lot of hugs to Alec who hurt her self on a jump the first day! Get well soon! |
Emma. |
Alec and me. |
Lowe, Jonas, Linus and Jimmy. "Tärnabyligan!" |
Jessica. |
Alec and Emma. |
There will be more pictures here soon.