No snow outside my window, not even a white little spot. It´s kind of raining and I can almost feel a tear on my cheek. I feel sad and a bit frustrated. But what can I do?? The weather is one thing you can´t to anything about but I´m getting stressed anyways!!.
My friends says to me all the time: "Känn lugnet" Tove, relaaaaax.
I am, of course, trying to do the best of the situation. I mean, I´m just not sitting on my ass and do nothing. The other day I got this crazy impulsive idea to book a flight to Breckenridge for some pre-season snowboarding for two weeks. But I sat down, counted how much it would cost, and got to the conclusion that then I would not afford to do anything the rest of the season. So until the snow will start to dump I´m gonna ride som pvc, work at the Wesc shop and do some workout and just "Känna lugnet" and don´t be stressed!
Me and my workingbuddie Henrik has been decorating the Wescstore in PUB to get some christmas-spirit.